About Dr. Tina H. Boogren

Tina H. Boogren, PhD, is a fierce advocate for educators, particularly for their well-being. She is the author of numerous books centered around her passion areas of quality instruction, coaching, mentoring, and wellness and is codirector of Solution Tree’s Wellness Solutions for Educators with Dr. Timothy D. Kanold. She also hosts the weekly podcast “Self-Care for Educators with Dr. Tina H. Boogren.” She lives in Denver, Colorado.
Coaching for Educator Wellness:
A Guide to Supporting New and Experienced Teachers

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Acquire evergreen instructional coaching strategies alongside fresh new solutions for guiding new and veteran teachers, addressing teacher self-care, promoting teacher well-being, and more. Learn how to provide a solid foundation of physical, emotional, instructional, and institutional support for educators.
Order at www.SolutionTree.com today.
Educator Wellness:
A Guide for Sustaining Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Social Well-Being

Available Now!
Educator and teacher self-care can be challenging, but embracing a holistic health and wellness plan can improve your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being both inside and outside of school. This reflective journal provides the ideas and guidance you need to support you on your wellness journey.
Order at www.SolutionTree.com today.
Supporting Beginning Teachers, Second Edition

Available Now!
Support and retain your best and brightest new teachers. With the guidance of the second edition of this acclaimed book, establish programs for better beginning teacher support and professional growth. Learn tips for overwhelmed teachers and how to address high teacher burnout.
Order at www.SolutionTree.com today.
Explore all Wellness solutions
Cofounders, Dr. Tina H. Boogren & Dr. timothy D. Kanold, have partnered with Solution Tree to provide you and your team with professional development events, workshops, and resources to make critical, positive change to improve educator wellness, retention, and recruitment. If you're ready to (re)discover your why, explore Solution Tree's Wellness Solutions today. Explore more using the button below.
Additional Publications
Titles Also available on Amazon.com.

So grateful and honored to be working with Dayton Public Schools today! That’s right, on a SATURDAY. Educators are superheroes. #selfcare

It’s Friday night and I’m happily working on my next book like the total nerd I am. @SolutionTree

So grateful and honored to be working with Dayton Public Schools today! That’s right, on a SATURDAY. Educators are superheroes. #selfcare
To schedule professional development at your site, book Tina at solutiontree.com or Marzanoresources.com.
More About Tina
Dr. Boogren was a 2007 finalist for Colorado Teacher of the Year and was a recipient of her school district’s Outstanding Teacher Award eight years in a row, from 2002 to 2009. She is the author of numerous books, including In the First Few Years: Reflections of a Beginning Teacher; Supporting Beginning Teachers; The Beginning Teacher’s Field Guide: Embarking on Your First Years; 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators; Take Time for You: Self-Care Action Plans for Educators, which was the Independent Publisher’s Gold Award winner in the Education category; and Coaching for Educator Wellness: A Guide to Supporting New and Experienced Teachers. She is a coauthor of Educator Wellness: A Guide for Sustaining Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Social Well-Being with Timothy D. Kanold and Motivating and Inspiring Students: Strategies to Awaken the Learner with Robert J. Marzano, Darrell Scott, and Ming Lee Newcomb and is a contributor to Richard Kellough and Noreen Kellough’s Middle School Teaching: A Guide to Methods and Resources, Robert J. Marzano’s Becoming a Reflective Teacher, and Women Who Lead: Insights, Inspiration, and Guidance to Grow as an Educator, edited by Janel Keating and Jasmine K. Kullar.
Dr. Boogren holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa, a master’s degree with an administrative endorsement from the University of Colorado Denver, a doctorate in educational administration and policy studies from the University of Denver, and is a level one certified nutrition coach and specialist in change psychology through Precision Nutrition.
Connect with Tina here:
Email: tinaboogren@live.com
Podcast: www.selfcareforeducators.com
Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/selfcareforeducators
Twitter: @THBoogren
Instagram: @THBoogren
Events/Books/Workshops: www.solutiontree.com/Boogren and